Going back to school with Braces?

It is that time.. when school will be back in session. New classes, new teachers and perhaps some new friends. There may be a few things that are different at school this year, your child got braces and has to go to school with them for the first time. Here are some tips to get them through the transition.

1. Braces Care Kit

Top priority is to keep braces and teeth clean. You want to be sure your child has a braces care kit. This includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss threads, and floss pickers to get out any extra food. Be sure your child brushes his/her teeth after every meal and especially after lunch or snacks in school .

2. Choose different foods
To make it easier, you can pack your child a lunch so they’re sure to have braces-approved food, based on what was told to you by your orthodontist. If you have to rely on cafeteria lunch tell your child to choose softer bite sized foods that are easier for chewing .

Also stay clear of hard foods like apples, chips and raw carrots that may be difficult to chew and can damage or break braces . Sticky snacks can also get stuck in braces and should be avoided, like caramel and gum.

3. Hydrate and Drink Water

Drinking water can help rinse food and bacteria from the mouth and keep braces cleaner during the day. Kids should choose water over soda and sugary drinks, as it is not only healthier, and does not leave stains on teeth.

4. Wear Protective Gear During Sports

Sports and gym classes are a big part of school days, and it is important to stay active. However kids with braces need to take extra care when being physically active at school. It is important to wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth and braces from impacts. It will help to avoid injury and is a safer way to protect teeth and braces. Contact us for a correct fit as it is important that the brace fits around the braces properly.

Going back to school is an exciting time for kids, parents and teachers. Having braces is very common and if kids keep their mouth clean it helps for better transition and keeps them looking and feeling healthier, achieving better results.

If you have any concerns or questions or perhaps want to schedule your child now to see if he/she is ready for braces please contact our office for a FREE consultation . You can also visit us at www.holmdelortho.com